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Nuclear Issues
Organizing for Change
  • NEW! 6/24
    Barry Sutton: Celebrating a Unique Activist

    A memorial held in April, 2024 honored Barry Sutton, a one of a kind community member who atended various houses of worship, reached out to authorites to make change, rode around on his bike, and lived on the streets for 50 years. This program features a memorial poem by journalist Daniel Forbes and memories from family and friends.
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  • Yvonne Simmons (1946-2022) A Life of Loving Activism
    Former Flying Focus associate and producer, activist, musician and friend of animals Yvonne Simmons died on July 2, 2022. At a virtual memorial held on September 25, friends and colleagues remembered Yvonne through her music, photos, videos, and stories shared by participants. Includes clips from some of the 25 or so programs Yvonne made with Flying Focus.
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  • Fixing Systems, Demystifying Ideologies
    Kevin Kumashiro, founding director of the Center for Anti-Oppressive Education was the keynote speaker at the 9th annual NW Teaching for Social Justice Conference, in October, 2016 in Portland. He spoke about broadening the focus of social change from smaller problems to larger issues. His talk was in three parts: moving from simple stories to complex pictures, moving from fixing individuals to fixing systems, and moving from debating policies to demystifying ideologies.
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  • Prison Art Changes Lives
    Ashley Lucas, Associate Professor of Theater and Drama and Director of the Prison Creative Arts Project at the University of Michigan, shows slides of prisoners' paintings and drawings, explains how the PCAP works and describes how prison art programs change and save lives. She also performs a monologue from her one-woman play based on interviews with family members of prisoners.
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Police Accountability
  • Advising Police on Mental Health Issues
    At an October 2021 public meeting of the Portland Police Bureau's Behavioral Health Unit Advisory Committee (BHUAC), they were asked two key questions. 1) Do you ever talk about the many shootings of people in mental health crisis by the Portland Police, and 2) why are your meetings not open to the public? See how the Committee responds to these questions.

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  • Police Shootings, Misconduct and Lawsuits
    Flying Focus / Portland Copwatch member Dan Handelman and KBOO Radio's Jasmin discuss the most horrific police misconduct cases whicht have caused the largest payouts by the City to victims or their families. Most of the show focuses on the top 25 settlements between 1993 and 2021, but also more broadly the questions of whether officers are ever held accountable, how often police use deadly force in Oregon, and how many Portland Police have been involved in deadly force incidents.

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  • Police Oversight 2021: Officer Fails Theft Victim
    On April 8, 2021, City Council unanimously (in a 4-0 vote) agreed to change a finding on a police misconduct allegation to find the officer violated policy. On this two-part show, Flying Focus member Dan Handelman, also a member of Portland Copwatch, looks at this breakthrough case on police accountability to talk about the current and future oversight systems in Portland. The case in question involves a woman who said that an officer violated policy by failing to take a stolen car report, resulting in her loss of the car.

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  • Beyond Policing
    An October 2019 forum at Portland State University features Dr. Alex S. Vitale, author of "The End of Policing," sociologist Julius McGee, author Kristian Williams, activist Alyssa Pariah and moderator Aaron Roussell. This two-part episode covers the history of police reform, reform vs. abolition, authoritarian policing vs. social services, body cameras, prisons, and more.

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  • City Council Finds Officer Misconduct May 2019
    On May 16, 2019 history was made when Portland City Council voted to find officer misconduct after a civilian appealed the findings that came from her complaint. Under City Code created in 2001, the Council's decision is final, but it had never been tested until this case. In this two part show, Dan Handelman of Flying Focus (and Portland Copwatch) and Sam Bouman of KBOO FM guide the viewers through the two hearings that were held.

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  • Portland: Get Back Out of the Terror Task Force
    On April 17, 2018 organizers of a campaign regarding Portland Police participation in a questionable federal project held a forum at Maranatha Church. The forum featured keynote speaker Michael German, a fellow at the Brennan Center for Justice in Washington, DC. German was formerly an FBI agent who blew the whistle on "deficiencies in FBI counterterrorism operations."
  • Also on the panel were Marleen Wallingford of the Portland JACL (Japanese American Citizens League), Zakir Khan of Oregon Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), and Brandon Mayfield, a local attorney who was misidentified by the FBI as a suspect in the 2004 Spanish train bombing. Host Kimberly McCullough of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Oregon gave a background on the Joint Terrorism Task Force and the community's efforts to get out.

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  • Overseeing Justice: US DOJ vs. City of Portland (MHAP #3)
    On June 16, 2017 the Albina Ministerial Alliance (AMA) Coalition for Justice and Police Reform conducted a panel as part of the 2017 Mental Health and Law Enforcement Conference in Portland. Attorneys Ashlee Albies and Kristen Chambers joined AMA Coalition co-chair Dr. T Allen Bethel to revisit the Agreement requiring Portland Police to use less force. On this two-part episode they explain history of the Agreement and talk about what it means for people of color, people with mental health issues, all Portlanders and the country.
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  • Marching for Justice, Equality and Police Reform
    On Saturday, January 28, 2017 the Albina Ministerial Alliance Coalition for Justice and Police Reform held a March for Justice and Equality that led from the Martin Luther King Jr statue at the Convention Center to Maranatha Church in NE Portland. The date coincided with the 7th anniversary of the death of Aaron Campbell, an unarmed African American man shot by Portland Police in 2010, as well as the transition to a new federal government that poses a threat to the civil liberties of many communities.
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  • Police at Mental Health Crises: Help or Hindrance? (MHAP #1)
    This show includes a panel discussion featuring Meg Kaveny, LCSW of Project Respond, Brenton Gicker, EMT, RN of CAHOOTS, Juliana Wallace, LCSW of Unity Center, and moderator Karen James of KBOO Radio. The panelists discuss ways to humanely assist those in mental health crisis through the lens of mental health professionals who sometimes partner with police agencies.
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  • Tased and Confused: Civilian Oversight in Portland 2017
    In February, 2017, Portland City Council held a hearing to determine if a police officer was in policy for using a Taser as many as six times on a man with mental health issues. Excerpts from the Council hearing feature the Complainant, Police Chief, and the Chair of the Citizen Review Committee (CRC), which forwarded the case to Council. Trying to explain the convoluted complaint system and the Council's deliberations, FFVC producer and Portland Copwatch member Dan Handelman narrates the two-part show.
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  • Black and Blue in Portland
    Drs. Karen Gibson and Leanne Serbulo presented findings from their award-winning article "Black and Blue: Police-Community Relations in Portland's Albina District, 1964-1985." in November, 2014, touching on ghettoization, racial profiling, police oversight, and more.
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  • From Ferguson to Portland: Race and Police Accountability
    Pastor Robert White, president of Clergy United in St. Louis, MO spoke in Portland as part of a Race and Police Accountability Forum, relating his work after the death of teenager Michael Brown in Ferguson. The Albina Ministerial Alliance (AMA) Coalition for Justice and Police Reform organized the forum, the second half of which was a community update on the US Department of Justice lawsuit against the Portland Police for their excessive use of force.
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Systems of Government



War and Peace

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Page added 1/13/18, last updated 6/13/24

The Flying Focus VideoCollective
3439 NE Sandy Blvd, PMB#248
Portland, OR 97232
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