
"Barry Sutton: Celebrating a Unique Activist"
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Barry Sutton: Celebrating a Unique Activist

Barry Sutton was one of a kind. He was a cultural aficionado, attending concerts, readings, lectures, and meetings of all sorts. He frequented many houses of worship, including Catholic, Unitarian, Methodist, Lutheran, Quaker, Buddhist, the Peace House, and several synagogues. He was a dedicated social justice and environmental activist, well known in Portland, and also to Noam Chomsky at MIT and the director of programs for unhoused people at the Department of Housing and Urban Development in Washington, DC. And he did all this while living on the streets of Portland for 50 years, getting around on his bike.

Barry died in September, 2023. On April 2, 2024, Rethinking Psychiatry held a memorial for him. This program includes journalist Daniel Forbes reading his opus honoring Barry's life, along with memories from family and friends. Barry was an inspiring person. He will be remembered

The program was recorded by PC Peri and produced and edited by Barb Greene with assistance from Dan Handelman.

read Daniel Forbes' full poem here:

Part 1 (28:23):

For your information, the chapter breaks we assigned for this video are:

Part 1:

  1. 0:00: Opening Credits
  2. 1:15: Intro- Dan Forbes, author and journalist
  3. 5:30: Dan Forbes' friendship with Barry
  4. 6:13: Dan and Linda Stief, Barry's cousin
      on Barry's childhood
  5. 8:30: Barry's epilepsy
  6. 14:55: Barry's clarinet and final disposition
  7. 16:02: Memorial poem by Dan Forbes (begins)
  8. 26:40: Barry the survivor
      (memorial poem, continued) /
      End credits, part 1
You can use these times to find a particular section if you want to jump to a certain portion of the show.

Part 2 (28:25):

For your information, the chapter breaks we assigned for this video are:

Part 2:

  1. 0:00: Opening Credits
  2. 1:15: Memorial poem by Dan Forbes (conclusion)
  3. 17:02 Discussion of poem /
      question about family resources
  4. 19:23: Question about Barry in foster care
  5. 21:25: Barry's advocacy work
  6. 22:59: David Potter, Rethinking Psychiatry:
      where to find the poem, Montavilla Church
      and Barry's bike
  7. 25:54: Marcia Meyers, Rethinking Psychiatry:
      Unitarian Church and Demon Copperhead /
      End credits, part 2

Streaming made possible by a generous individual.

The whole show (VB #131.07&08) is available for a donation of $11 (DVD/VHS) plus $4 postage and is streaming on line at our full shows You Tube channel. Add $3 for the show on a USB Flash Drive.

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Page created 6/13/24, last updated 6/14/24

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