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Ways to Donate
Since October 2011:
(Credit card or Paypal may be required, read more on the donate on line page )
The donation site, Network for
Good, does not
allow donations for when you receive something of value in return for your
donation. So please use a check or money order and the good ol' US Postal
Service when ordering programs, and ask us for more
information about the value of the DVDs/tapes and your accountant about what is tax
NOTE 2: Beginning July 1, 2022, donations go through Peace and
Justice Works; use the "Designation" field to indicate the money is for
Flying Focus Video.
Send donations of any size by check or money order to us
at the
address below
Learn about our 2012 efforts to buy a Mac Pro Tower!
Ordering DVDs/USB Flash Drives/Videotapes from the
Flying Focus Video Collective
The suggested donation for most of the videos is listed on each item in the printed catalog and each category page of the online
catalog. In 2021, we added the ability to order shows on USB Flash
Drive for an additional $3 donation to the suggested donations for DVDs (or VHS
tapes). Those donations since 2012 have been: $8 for 1/2 hour shows, $11 items for 1 hour shows and
$14 for items over 1 hour.
Starting in February, 2005, we began offering our programs on DVD ; since 2007
the suggested donation has been the same for DVD or VHS .
We also offer "streaming rights" for any show (1 or 2 part)-- we
ask $35
for individuals/groups and $50 for larger institutions. We can host the
online version of our show on our site, or you can host on yours. The idea
is to make the shows available so anyone can watch them for free online!
(Note: These donation rates were changed from $75/$125 to $35/$50 in
The Flying Focus Video Bus (VB) is 1/2-hour long, suggested donation
$8 ,
with a two-part episode (1 hour) at a suggested donation of $11 .
Similarly, any one-hour program is available for a $11 donation, and
longer programs are $14 .
About half of the SE (Speakers and Events) programs are 60 min/$11 and
the others are 90-120 minutes for $14 .
Many of the ZMI (Z Media Institute) shows are 90 minutes for
$14 .
We generally will offer the videos for a lower suggested donation if you supply us with
tape/DVD stock.
Orders can take up to 4-6 weeks to fill. Orders of over 10 videos may take
longer. Please prioritize any such order if you can.
Note that there is a hard copy of our updated catalog available if you send us your
snail mail address.
Remember Flying Focus is an all-volunteer group. Your donations help us to continue our
and to document events and groups which may be important to you. Thank you.
Please include $4.00 for postage & handling for the first two videos, and $1 per video
after that.
Allow up to 6 weeks for delivery.
Titles are not in stock and each video has to be duplicated by hand, VHS in real time and
DVDs in 1/2 time.
We ask for your pre-paid donation before copying the videos.
Special Arrangements
CABLE ACCESS PRODUCERS:Costs and time frame may vary if you have
special needs, such as colorbars, formats other than VHS (SVHS, 3/4", etc), or specific
audio requirements. Please let us know.
STREAMING RIGHTS:In 2012 we began offering streaming
rights to our programs: $35 per program for individuals/non-profits and
$50 for larger institutions. Contact us if you are interested in seeing a
particular program being made available on line!
TEACHERS:Please contact us if you wish to present, or want us to present, our
programs for your classroom. Note that some programs have accompanying Study Guides.
PUBLIC SHOWINGS:We encourage public screenings with or
without discussion...but please contact us in advance for permission, scheduling, publicity, etc.
SPONSOR A VIDEO IN A LENDING LIBRARY:If you order a video and don't
need to keep it, think about making it part of our Lending Libraries .
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Sorry we cannot do credit cards, but we do take checks and money orders .
If you work with an institution such as a library or university, we will accept a purchase
order .
Please write or call if you have any further questions.
--Flying Focus Distribution Task Force
FLYING FOCUS VIDEO COLLECTIVE........................e-mail:
a project of Peace and Justice
3439 NE Sandy Blvd PMB #248..............................web:
Portland, OR 97232
*using video as a tool for social change* ..........................................(503) 239-7456
Page updated 1/20/25
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