
"Police at Mental Health Crises: Help or Hindrance?"
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Police at Mental Health Crises: Help or Hindrance?

These two episodes cover a panel discussion titled "Police Presence During a Mental Health Crisis: Help or Hindrance?" featuring Meg Kaveny, LCSW of Project Respond, Brenton Gicker, EMT, RN of CAHOOTS, Juliana Wallace, LCSW of Unity Center, and moderator Karen James of KBOO Radio. It was taped at the June 16, 2017 Oregon Law Mental Health Conference in Portland, Oregon. As suggested by the title, the panelists discuss ways to humanely assist those in mental health crisis through the lens of mental health professionals who sometimes partner with police agencies. Overall the conference included twelve interactive sessions featuring legal, clinical and experiential experts. This show was taped and edited by Mike Brown with help from PC Peri, Dan Handelman and Barb Greene.

Streaming made possible by Mental Health Association of Portland.

Part 1 (27:30):

For your information, the chapter breaks we assigned for this video are:

Part 1:

  1. 0:00: Opening Credits
  2. 1:15: How did people recognize the need for pairing law enforcement with mental health professionals?
  3. 5:56: How many calls do you respond to in a shift?
  4. 10:02: What happens when you respond without the police?
  5. 13:45: In what situations would you involve the police?
  6. 15:54: Describe behaviors of someone in crisis
  7. 17:55: Describe a scene with both police and mental health professionals
  8. 24:10: What is the role of a police officer at a crisis scene? / End Credits

Part 2 (28:25):

For your information, the chapter breaks we assigned for this video are:

Part 2:

  1. 0:00: Opening Credits
  2. 1:15: Can you see the difference with Crisis Intervention trained officers?
  3. 3:48: What do you wish police knew about de-escalation?
  4. 7:03: What outcomes evolved from police presence, including escalation?
  5. 10:07: Describe a situation where you had to be creative
  6. 16:51: Have you seen encounters where officers don't recognize mental illness?
  7. 19:34: Have you witnessed excessive force by police?
  8. 21:08: What next steps are available to people in crisis? /
    Is law enforcement a vital part of the response?
  9. 25:34: What alternatives to police would you support? / End Credits
You can use these times to find a particular section if you want to jump to a certain portion of the show.

The whole show (VB #104.10&-11) is available for a donation of $11 (DVD/VHS) plus $4 postage and is streaming on line at our full shows You Tube channel. .

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Page created 9/3/17, updated 6/9/22

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