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Category: Multicultural Issues

    indicates a show with short turnaround (1-2 weeks instead of 4-6 weeks)

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  • Is Juneteenth Meaningful? (parts 1&2) (VB #133.03&04):
    PC Peri asked three Portlanders - jazz singer Lorna Baxter, city equity specialist Judith Mowry, and visionary consultant/author Shariff Abdullah - whether Juneteenth means anything to Americans. (10/14/24) Streaming --Video-- --Clip--
  • ------------------------
  • A Taste of Juneteenth 2021 (parts 1&2) (VB #120.08&09):
    Chef/activist Rachelle Dixon with Zenger Farms talks about the history of Juneteenth, food, cultural identity and more. (8/23/21) --Video-- --Clip--
  • Black and Indigenous Lives Matter (parts 1&2) (VB #118.02&03):
    Several events focusing on issues faced by Black and Indigenous people including "anti- Independence Day," the "Red House" and two Black Lives Matter protests. (1/11/21) --Video-- --Clip--
  • Asian Pacific Islanders in the Fight for Racial Justice (parts 1&2) (VB #102.02&03):
    Excerpts from a discussion hosted by the Asian Pacific American Network of Oregon titled "Layered History, Linked Liberation: Solidarity and the Role of APIs in the Fight for Racial Justice." (1/9/17)

    Note: In late 2011, the Restorative Listening Project renamed itself the Restorative Action Project

  • African American Dads (Restorative Action Project #3) (parts 1&2) (VB #86.06 & 07) :
    Three Portland dads on challenges faced by African American fathers in Portland today. 2/13
  • Sharif Abdullah on Inclusivity (Restorative Action Project #2) (parts 1&2) (VB #83.13 & 84.01) :
    The noted author/organizer discusses his work with groups in conflict around the globe and offers solutions. 6/12
  • Healing Work (Restorative Action Project #1) (parts 1&2) (VB #82.10&11) :
    Senior Pastor Don Frazier and Macceo Pettis on how to heal from racism and gentrification. 3/12 --Video-- --Clip--


  • Turning Point (Restorative Listening Project #5) (parts 1&2) (VB #78.02&03) :
    The end of the focus on gentrification by the Restorative Listening Project after three years, and where to go next. 1/11 --Video-- --Clip--
  • Development of Gentrification in N/NE Portland (Restorative Listening Project #4) (parts 1&2) (VB #75.04&05) :
    Carl Talton relates the causes and history of rising property values and white ownership in North/NorthEast Portland from the point of view of a community-minded urban planner. 4/10
  • Real Questions (Restorative Listening Project #3) (parts 1&2) (VB #71.06&07) :
    Senior Pastor Don Frazier gives personal insight and advice about gentrification in Portland. 5/09 --Video-- --Clip--
  • Porches and Smiles (Restorative Listening Project #2) (parts 1&2) (VB #70.11&12) :
    African American activists Noni Cause and Charles Ford talk about gentrification in N/NE Portland at a community meeting 3/09--Video-- --Clip--
  • Nathan McCall: The Effects of Gentrification (Restorative Listening Project #1) (parts 1&2) (VB 68.11&12) :
    The best-selling author and lecturer discusses pros and cons of the influx of money into poor and mostly African American Neighborhoods with the audience. 9/08--Video-- --Clip--

    --------------Other Multicultural Issues Titles------------

  • Intisar Abioto: The Black Portlanders Project (parts 1&2) (VB #99.02&03):
    The Portland-based artist shows and discusses some of her photographs from the Black Portlanders Project at Reed College during Black History Month 2016.4/11/16
  • Juneteenth 2015: 150 Years Toward Freedom (parts 1&2) (VB #97.02&03):
    Mr. Juneteenth and participants at the 2015 Juneteenth celebration talk about the history of the holiday marking the end of slavery and its importance to all Americans. 10/12/15
  • The Latino Experience of Racism in Portland (parts 1&2) (VB #91.02&03):
    A discussion of racism as experienced by Latino educators in supposedly liberal and inclusive Portland. 4/14
  • Overthrow the New Jim Crow (parts 1&2) (VB #87.01&02) :
    Civil rights lawyer and author Michelle Alexander talks about the class structure created through our "justice" system to legally restrict the rights of African American men. 4/13 --Video----Clip--
  • Diversity and Thriving in Schools (parts 1&2) (VB #77.12&13) :
    Sonia Nieto, a prominent writer on multicultural education, shares research on how teachers knowing students and confronting their own assumptions can create successful classrooms. 12/10 --Video-- --Clip-- [--stream--]
  • Immigrants, Refugees and Human Rights: Center for Intercultural Organizing's 5th Anniversary (parts 1&2) (VB #70.07&08) :
    Eric Ward of Chicago's Center for New Community, and Pramila Jayapal of Seattle's One America with Justice for All describe their grassroots efforts to create a just society while celebrating Portland's CIO. 2/09
  • Building a Multi-Ethnic Peace Movement (VB #46.12) :
    Human rights activist Rozell "Prexy" Nesbitt about the nature of wars and effects of economic deprivation on people of color globally and within the U.S. 3/03
  • No On Hate Forum (parts 1&2) (VB #46.9&10) :
    A police detective, an FBI agent, a sociology professor and a city council member discuss hate crimes, then citizens talk about their experiences and the organizations working to end these crimes. 2/03
  • Cross Cultural Understanding (parts 1&2) (VB #41.13&42.1) :
    Workshop on stereotypes and communication barriers with emphasis on people from the "Middle East" and women. 12/01
  • Interview with Marlon Riggs (VB #13.12): 30 mi 12/19/94
  • Clarence Lusane & Leslie Cagan: Race, Gender and Class Relations in the US (ZMI #02.07): Two powerhouse organizers look at the current status of classifications of people kept apart by prejudices. 60 mi 11/15/95
  • African American Forum (IV 06.05): 60 mi 06/05/95
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indicates a show with short turnaround (1-2 weeks instead of 4-6 weeks)

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Page last updated 1/27/25


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