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[FFVC Catalog Index] [FFVC Comment Screen]
Category: Foreign Affairs
indicates a
show with short turnaround (1-2 weeks instead of 4-6 weeks)
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Middle East New shows!
Former Yugoslavia
Latin America
Middle East
- Noor Ghazi: An Iraqi American Peace Activist's Story
(parts 1&2) (VB #132.06&07):
Based in the US, Ms. Ghazi appeared on a livestream presentation in June 2024 to share personal
memories of sanctions, war, and the experience of
becoming a refugee. 8/5/24
Streaming •
- A Conversation with Jonathan Cook, Middle East Reporter
(parts 1&2) (VB #132.02&03):
Interviewed in Nazareth, Israel by pdxjustice Media in December 2006,
Cook's information is highly relevant today. 7/8/24
- Ending the Cycle of Violence in Israel/Palestine
(parts 1&2) (VB #130.08&09):
Speakers discuss the Israeli bombardment of Gaza following Hamas' October 2023 attack. The
talks cover history, human rights violations, and personal impacts on Jewish and Palestinian
- Mark Braverman: Searching for Peace and Justice in Palestine
(parts 1&2) (VB #130.12&13):
The Jewish American author and activist, trained as a clinical psychologist, spoke in Portland in
early 2024. Formerly a fervent Zionist, Braverman changed his view of Israel.
3/18/24 Streaming
--Clip-- •
- Nakba 2022: Forced Relocation of Palestinians
(parts 1&2) (VB #124.02&03):
In May, 2022, Portlanders marched and rallied to remember the injustice of thousands of
Palestinians forced from their homes to make room for the creation of the state of Israel.
7/11/22 --Clip--
- American Iranian Town Hall (parts 1&2)
(VB #118.06&07) :
In August 2019, members of the Iranian
American community and their allies spoke to
US Representative Suzanne Bonamici about US
policies around sanctions, war and immigration. (2/8/21)
- Justice for All in Palestine/Israel (parts 1&2)
(VB #112.06&07) :
Christian Palestinian Rev. Dr. Alex Awad
gives a clear history of the conflict, the current
situation, the threats of Christian Zionism and
US intervention. (8/5/19) --Clip--
- Inside Gaza with Dr. Clyde Farris (parts 1&2)
(VB #110.10&11) :
In January, 2019, Dr. Farris, a surgeon from
Oregon, spoke about the humanitarian crisis in
the Gaza Strip where he worked with Palestinian
orthopedic specialists. (3/4/19)
- Kathy Kelly 2018: Human Stories of US Wars (parts 1&2)
(VB #109.11&12):
Nobel Peace Prize nominee talks in Portland about people in Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen and
Gaza affected by US wars and calls for nonviolent action to make change. (12/10/18)
- The Iran Nuclear Agreement: A Path to War? (parts 1&2)
(VB #108.10&11) :
At a forum in June 2018, two national and two local speakers give Portlanders their
perspectives on President Trump's decision to withdraw from the "nuclear deal" with Iran. (9/3/18)
- 25 Years Working for Peace in Iraq (VB #98.09):
A January 2016 peace rally marked 25 years since the start of the "Gulf War." This show
features presentday speakers and historical documents/footage from that timespan. 2/29/16 • Streaming
- Jeff Halper: Globalizing Palestine (parts 1&2) (VB
The Director of the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions spoke in Portland in
February 2016, connecting the Israeli Occupation, militarism, police and Middle East Peace. 5/9/16

- Phyllis Bennis: Non-Military Solutions to the War on ISIS (parts 1&2)
(VB #96.01&02):
The renowned author talked via videoconference to Portland in May 2015, offering up a plan
to resolve the situation in Iraq and Syria without war and encouraging interconnection of social
justice movements. 7/6/15
- Omar Barghouti: Boycott, Divestment & Sanctions (VB #95.12):
The Palestinian intellectual and co-founder of the BDS Movement, spoke at Portland State
University in February 2015. 6/22/15 •
[Also see "First Nations
& Palestine: The Connection"under "Indigenous Peoples"]
- Eyewitness 10 Years Later: What Iraqis are Saying (parts 1&2) (VB
Cathy Breen of Voices for Creative Nonviolence brought word of the conditions in Iraq after
it was invaded, occupied and wracked with violence, including images of the deteriorated
infrastructure. (7/22/13) • --Clip-- • Streaming
- U.S. Policies After 10 Years in Afghanistan (parts 1&2) (VB
Three speakers focus on damage done by U.S. policies in Iraq and Afghanistan, the impact
on the domestic economy, and civil liberties infringements that have worsened since 9/11.
- Gaza: The Impact of Occupation (parts 1 & 2) (VB
Panelists from the Rachel Corrie Foundation describe a delegation to the Palestinian
territories in September 2009, eight months after the Israeli bombardment. 2/10 
- Gaza, March 2009: Eyewitness Report (parts 1 & 2) (VB
Regina Birchem, past international president of Women's International League for Peace and
Freedom, reports on her March, 2009 visit to devastated Gaza using slides and discussion. 6/09

- Iraqi Americans Speak: End the U.S. Occupation (VB #68.01):
Israa Hasani and Aseel Dyck give background on Iraq?s history and U.S. involvement in a
forum on March 15, 2008. Both call for withdrawal. 6/08
- Wheels of Justice Tour 2008: Iraq and Palestine (parts 1&2) (VB
Mazin Qumsiyeh and Mike Miles, eyewitness speakers, rolled into Portland in March 2008
to show and talk about occupation. Qumsiyeh?s slides are chilling, Miles? songs uplifting.
- Memories of Iran (parts 1&2) (VB #64.10&11):
People from Iran at the 2006 Iranian Festival and Americans who have visited or lived in Iran
talk about their experiences there. 9/07
- No More Invasions, No More Wars: March 19, 2007 (parts 1&2) (VB
Speakers tie the Iraq debacle to U.S. foreign and domestic policy, civil liberties, Iran, energy
independence, labor justice, education, housing and more; 50 people send a giant "Message to the
Iraqi People." 4/07 
- Middle East WILPF Women London 9/06 (VB #62.12&13):
(parts 1&2) Members of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom
(WILPF) in interviews, presentations, discussions, and song met to work and vote on resolutions
for peace and justice worldwide. 3/07 
- Iran Forum: A Path Out of Crisis? (VB #62.08&09):
A panel discusses the manipulations of the US government regarding Iran's human rights
record, the progress of women organizing in Iran, and personal recollections at the time of the 1979
revolution. 2/07 
- William Beeman Examines US Policy (VB #62.04&05):
(parts 1&2) Author and professor covers the facts behind Iran's nuclear program, the
nature of their government (not a dictatorship), and the hypocrisy of America's stance toward the
country. 1/07 
- We Can Change Anything (VB #59.06):
Members of Women's International League for Peace and Freedom speak about their work
on the situation in Israel and Palestine. Also, weekly WILPF and Women in Black vigils in
Portland. 5/06
- Iraq Labor Tour Visits Portland (VB #56.10&11):
Officers of Iraq's General Union of Oil Employees, organizing despite laws prohibiting
unions, describe what life is like under occupation and continuing conflict. 8/05 
- Fined for Compassion: Voices in DC Court 2005 (VB #57.02):
Voices in the Wilderness (VitW) gathered to appear in Federal Court. At issue: a $20,000
fine the U.S. government imposed for VitW bringing medicine to Iraq in 1998. 10/05 
- Saying No to War and Occupation: Teach-in and Peace March, Two Years Later
(VB #55.07&08):
An informative panel discussion and a spirited peace parade are featured at a March 19, 2005
event in Portland on the anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq. 5/05
- In Memory of Palestinian Rights Activist Rachel Corrie (VB
Craig and Cindy Corrie tell Rachel's story - how she became an activist and worked to help
Palestinians save their homes and their lives before being killed by an Israeli bulldozer in 2003.
- Breaking Ranks: Israeli Air Force Pilot Refuser Yonatan Shapira (VB
Yonatan Shapira, an Israeli pilot who refused to serve in the occupied territories, brings to
light the conflict between the values of human rights and democracy and the reality of Israeli policy.
- Daniel Ellsberg and Medea Benjamin on US Policy in Iraq (VB
Ellsberg covers intelligence leaks, the neo-con agenda, and Iraq compared to Vietnam.
Benjamin covers her trip to Iraq, Iraq war veterans, and her protest activities. Taped at PSU in
September, 2004. 2/05
- Refusenik! Israel's Soldiers of Conscience (VB #52.07&08):
Israeli author, and ex-soldier Peretz Kidron, praises dozens of Israelis who would not enforce
the occupation of the West Bank and Gaza. 8/04 
- Phyllis Bennis: Palestine and Occupation (VB #51.04&05):
Institute for Policy Studies analyst connects U.S. policy in Iraq, Israel's occupation of the
West Bank and Gaza, and U.S. support of Israeli policy. 4/04
- Occupation Eyewitness: AFSC's Ten Months in Baghdad (VB
American Friends Service Committee Repre-sentatives speak to the human cost of war and
occupation with slides of "the Human Face of Iraq." 6/04
- Medea Benjamin: The US Occupation of Iraq (VB #50.08&09):
Discussion of the activist's experiences in Iraq before and after the US invasion and
occupation, the effects on the UN, Iraqi people, and US troops. 2/04
- A Christian Palestinian View of the Roadmap (VB #49.13):
An Anglican priest from Palestine gives his perspective on the Israel/Palestine conflict. 12/03
(taped 8/03)
- Kurdish Perspective (VB #49.01):
Discussion of Kurdish desire for autonomy and problems with war and human rights in Iran,
Iraq and Turkey. 9/03 (taped 4/03)
- Living With the Enemy: Portraits of Daily Life in Iraq (VB
Photojournalist Joel Preston Smith visited Iraq in January 2003. His outstanding photos and
anecdotes portray civilized, articulate, caring, neighborly Iraqi people. 8/03
- Eyewitness Iraq: Pax Christi, USA (parts 1&2) (VB
National coordinator David Robinson describes his Dec. 2002 peace visit--the effects of U.S.
sanctions, the feelings of Iraqi citizens, and his insights on the U.S. war for people of conscience.
(Taped 5/03, aired 7/03)
- Iran and Iraq's Other Neighbors: U.S. Foreign Policy (VB #46.7):
Educator/activist Goudarz Eghdetari outlines the relationship between America and Middle
Eastern countries as the US ponders war with Iraq. 2/03
- BACK TO IRAQ: State of the Sanctions 2002 (VB #45.1):
Video of a delegation from Voices in the Wilderness (VitW) delivering medicine and toys to
hospitals, families and children; with introductory comments. 9/02
- Oregonians Speak Out for Peace (VB #45.4&5):
Interviews, speakers, and images from the October 5 "Rally and March for Peace," at which a
diverse crowd of 10,000 people marched through Portland. 10/02
- Iraq Peace Gathering (parts 1&2) (VB 42.10&11):
Peace activists gathered 11 years after the "Gulf War" to connect issues of the ongoing
sanctions and the U.S.' "War on Terrorism."
- People's Victory: US Releases Confiscated Video of Iraq (VB
US Customs released Dan Handelman's 1997 videos eight months after the ACLU filed suit;
video includes clips of children, doctors, and aid workers in Iraq. 30 min. 7/00
- Prof. Richard Garfield: The Oil-for-Food Program (Iraq Sanctions Conference '99
#2) (VB #35.06):
A member of the World Health Organization outlines effects of sanctions and what needs to
happen for Iraq to survive.
- U.S. Propaganda: Iraq in the American Media (Iraq Sanctions Conference '99
#3) (VB #35.13):
Panelists look at media complicity in U.S. policy: deferring to "official" sources, demonizing
Saddam Hussein, and making films like "Three Kings."
- Organizing Faith Communities Against Iraq Sanctions (Iraq Sanctions Conference
'99 #4) (VB #36.13):
Two Christians and two Muslims bring the moral crisis of the Iraqi sanctions to the attention
of people of faith.
- Dismantling U.S. Sanctions on Iraq (pt 1&2) (VB # 30.7 &
An Iraqi-American pediatrician and two activists facing U.S. fines give a presentation on the
situation in Iraq with info, slides and video. 60 min. 2/99
The set of four Iraq Sanctions Conference tapes, including "U.S. Propaganda",
"Organizing in Faith Communities," "Richard Garfield" and "Getting Resolutions Passed" (#1, VB
34.08) is specially priced at a donation of $28.
- Morality, History, and U.S. Policy in Iraq (VB # 30.13):
Denis Halliday, former UN Humanitarian Coordinator in Iraq, & Phyllis Bennis, policy
analyst give short talks at Portland's First Unitarian Church. 60 min. 3/99
- Economic Sanctions, Disarmament, and U.S. Policy in Iraq (SE
Denis Halliday and Phyllis Bennis go in-depth on how the U.N./U.S. policy in Iraq kills
children, and what we can do about it (at Portland State University, Feb. 1999). ? 80 min. 4/99
- Turning Back a New Attack Against Iraq (VB #27.01) 3/30/98
- Nat'l FOR: Middle East Eyewitness (SE #017): / /
- The "Gulf War": 5 Years Later (part 1&2) (VB #18.09&10):
- Embargo Over Iraq: It's Not Over (VB #12.08): 30 mi 08/22/94
with Sanctions: The Continuing War on Iraq (VB #12.09): 30 mi
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Former Yugoslavia
- Defense Against the Media War on Yugoslavia (VB #31.07):
Analyzing news coverage of NATO's assault on Serbia; clips from April '99 Portland forum
and demonstration.
- Back from Bosnia '98: Yvonne Simmons' Fourth Peace Journey (pt 1&2)
(VB #28.13/29.1):
Yvonne is interviewed about 10 months in post-war Bosnia with video of her work with
women, children, and animals. 9/98 
- Back from Bosnia: Peace Journey 2 (Parts 1&2) (VB
#16.12&13): Peace activist Yvonne Simmons describes her harrowing and uplifting
experiences while living in Bosnia during the war in a show of peace. 60 min 09/95

- Dedicated to the Women of Former Yugoslavia (VB #10.13):
Croatia: Center for Women War Victims Serbia: Women in Black. 30 mi 03/28/94
- There are Peaceniks in Former Yugoslavia (VB #10.05):
January 1994: In Serbia and Croatia, those who are against war speak out. 30 mi
- Former Yugoslavia--Is Peace Possible? (SE #023): 03/14/93
- What's Up in Former Yugoslavia? (VB #08.12): 30 mi
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- Russian Invasion of Ukraine:
the Rest of the Story
(parts 1&2) (VB #123.03&04):
Portland demonstrators at two actions in March
2022, plus an interview with Malcolm Chadock
of Veterans For Peace explaining the U.S. role in
4/18/22 • --Clip--
- Radical Women Tour Eastern Europe (SE #066)
- Womenwith Hill Women's Peace Camp: Menwith Hill II (VB #18.07):

- Menwith Hill (Global Village #1) (VB #06.09): A British women's peace
group protests the largest American spybase on foreign soil. 30 mi 03/01/93
- Mairead Keane Visits Portland Again (SE #050): Sinn Fein member gives
update on Anglo-Irish accords, a perspective not common to British-censored US media. 60 mi
- Mariead Keane: Sinn Fein (SE #028): 04/25/93
- Free the H Block 3 (SE #032) 06/20/93
- Bernadette Devlin answers questions (VB #10.06): 30 mi 02/07/94
- Irish Activist Bernadette Devlin McAliskey (SE #041): Bernie addresses
issues about political prisoners in Ireland and the U.S. at a p 01/10/94
- Ireland: The Peace Process (1994) (VB #18.11): 03/11/96
to top
- Congo: Dying for Our Convenience (parts 1 & 2) (VB
Speakers including Portlanders from the Congo and presenters at Amnesty International and
the 2009 EcoNvergence discuss the carnage and environmental devastation that produce our
electronic "necessities." 6/10
- About "Sweet Crude" (parts 1 & 2) (VB #68.07&08):
Director Sandy Cioffi and producer Tammi Sims discuss their documentary about survival,
corruption, greed and armed resistance caused by oil production in the Niger Delta. 8/08
- Support for Women of Africa (parts 1 & 2) (VB #66.05&06):
Women from DR Congo at the 2007 Run for Congo Women speak about conditions in their
country and runners say why they are at the run. Volunteers from the Women?s Bicycle Project on
their work in Ghana. 1/08
- The Chick Who Always Talks About Atrocities in the Congo at Parties / One Person
Can Make a Big Difference (VB #61.13&62.1 ):
Lisa Shannon works for women of the Congo who have lost family members and
experienced rapes and horrific violence, and is an example of how an average citizen can create
positive change. 12/06 
- A Nonviolent Response to Genocide (parts 1&2) (VB
In a 2005 PSU forum, professor Elavie Ndura, a Hutu widow from Burundi, spoke on the
importance of cultural competence, and two refugees from Somalia shared their journey from
experiences with major violence to working for peace. (10/06)
- Peter Storey: Truth and Reconciliation in South Africa (parts 1&2)
The South African Methodist Minister who was chaplain to Nelson Mandela and later
appointed to head the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, appeared in June, 2005 in Portland to
speak on Apartheid and current problems in his country. 7/05 
- Women Working for Peace in Sierra Leone (parts 1&2) (VB
Panel about peace efforts in the war-torn African nation. Includes clips from Diamonds,
Guns & Rice: Sierra Leone & The Women's Peace Movement.
- Witness for Justice: Sierra Leone (VB #34.06):
Women in Sierra Leone cope with the hardships of war by coming together and creating their
own empowerment center.
- Rwanda's Story: Prospects for Reconciliation (Parts 1-4) (SE #081):
1&2=Keynote address, 3&4=Panel discussion 01/26/96
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- Retired Col. Ann Wright: US and NATO's Pivot to Asia
(parts 1&2) (VB #124.10&11):
The former state department official spoke on a June 2022 Portland-based livestream about the
military shift from the "Middle East" to the western Pacific and other issues.
7/11/22 Streaming
- Zaher Wahab: The US/Afghanistan
Fateful Partnership (parts 1 & 2) (VB #116.13/117.01):
In June 2020, the Afghan American professor
talked about the social, political, economic
and military situation in Afghanistan, and in
particular US involvement there.
9/28/20 Streaming
- Brian Willson: Viet Nam Revisited (parts 1 & 2) (VB
The famous Air Force veteran/activist describes his 2016 trip to Viet Nam, gives a history of
western involvement, and talks of lingering effects of the war he wishes he hadn't fought in.
- End the Wars: 14 Years in Afghanistan (parts 1&2) (VB
In October 2015, Portlanders mobilized to connect issues from police violence to the
environment to the economy, and the US occupation of Afghanistan that began in 2001. 2/1/16
- Report from Viet Nam 2015 (parts 1 & 2) (VB #97.10&11):
Oregon and Viet Nam-based activists talk about lingering effects of the war 40 years after it
ended, including Agent Orange and Unexploded Ordinance, as well as Veterans for Peace efforts to
rebuild. 12/7/15
- Zaher Wahab: Afghanistan on the Brink (parts 1 & 2) (VB
In an August 2014 talk, a Portland professor who helped found the American University in
Kabul paints a picture of occupied Afghanistan, including the political landscape in a country rife
with corruption. 9/1/14
- Afghanistan 12 Years Later: The Costs of Endless War (parts 1 & 2) (VB
Afghan peace activists in Kabul spoke via the internet to a forum in Portland where other
panelists talked about economic impacts, veterans' issues, drone strikes, and non-violence. 1/14

- Liu Xiaobo and the Nobel Peace Prize (VB #78.6):
Portland State University Political Science Professor Bruce Gilley speaks about the award
given to Chinese political prisoner Liu Xiaobo, within the context of a rapidly changing political
landscape in China. 2/11
- Update on Burma: Interview with Edith Mirante (VB #59.04):
A human rights activist and internationally-known expert discusses Burma under the rule of a
military junta that has oppressed its people and stripped its environment. 4/06 --Clip--
- Vietnam and Agent Orange (VB #58.05):
Two people exposed to Agent Orange during the war speak on their health and Vietnam's; a former
Red Cross official covers a lawsuit against the chemical's manufacturers. 2/06
- Human Rights in Focus: East Timor and Burma (VB #37.12):
In October 2000, activists Will Seaman and Edith Mirante spoke at PSU on the human rights
crises in East Timor and Burma caused by military regimes.
- Tibet in Focus (parts 1&2) (VB #36.10&11):
Jigme Topgyal and Tashi Tsering of the Northwest Tibetan Cultural Association talk with
Amnesty International activist Joanne Lau about the ongoing human rights crisis in Tibet. 60 min.
- Allan Nairn: The U.S. Role in Suppressing Democracy in Indonesia and East
Timor (SE #095):
The dedicated journalist brought his insight to Portland State University in November
- Allan Nairn: Genocide in East Timor (IV 02.02): Grueling account by a
witness to the massacre in a Timorese graveyard in 1991. 60 mi 05/02/94
- East Timor: Agression & Self-Determination (VB #06.04): 30
- Agio Periera: A Voice of Timor (VB #09.05): 30 mi 11/01/93
- Yuzhana Khin: "A Fight for Rights" (SE #64IV 04.04): Burmese Human
Rights activist in performance piece about her work to free emprisoned leader Aung San Suu Kyi.
- The U.S. and N. Korea: Who Is Threatening Whom? (SE #058): Forum
featuring slides and speakers in July '94. 10/03/94
- A Return to Vietnam (SE #054: Slide show of 4 veterans' visit in Feb. '94.
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- The International Women's World Court Against the Economic Blockade on
Cuba (VB #44.3):
Two jury members and a founder of the grassroots court discuss how the U.S. blockade
violates international law.
- Remembering Sara (VB #16.10): Cuban-American Sara Rivero died
during a trip to Cuba. Her enthusiasm, warmth, and activism are shown to live on. 30 mi
- Why Should I Worry About Cuba? (SE #015): Includes Deep Dish TV
- Caribean Crossings (LS 01.00): Cuba and Haiti (1st round)
- Juan Antonio Blanco: Cuba at the Crossroads (LS 05.05): 09/10/93
- Cuban Radio (IV 01.01): Excerpts of a panel discussion featuring Arnie
Coro from Radio Havana Cuba. 03/21/94
- Jocelyn McCullough: Help the Refugees (LS 04.04): 04/11/93
- Fidel's Visit to the UN and Media Coverage (VB #17.09): 11/27/95
- Harry Belafonte speaks on Cuba (VB #10.02): An eloquent plea to end
the US embargo at the '93 Int'l Cuban Film Festival. 30 mi 01/10/94
- Cuba, Si, Bloqueo No (3rd Friendshipment to Cuba) (VB 11.04): Pastors
for Peace regional action as caravan to Cuba crosses US/Canadian border at the "Peace Park." 30
mi 04/25/94
- Puerto Rico: Territory, Independent, or State? (VB #08.06):
30 mi 08/10/93
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Latin America
- Opposing US Imperialism in Venezuela (parts 1&2)
(VB #111.1&2) :
A February 2019 panel encourages people to get
involved to prevent the US from going beyond
sanctions and coup attempts to obtain Venezuela's
resources. (4/1/19)
- Eyewitness Venezuela March, 2019 (parts 1&2)
(VB #111.09&10) :
In March 2019, Dan Shea of Veterans For Peace
told Portlanders about his visit to Venezuela, with
political analysis, slides, experiences, and what
drives him to oppose war. (5/27/19)
- Peruvians Workers Say Go Home Bush!/ Peruvians Say Go Home Bush!
(VB #70.03&04):
Two protests against US economic and other global policies as President George W. Bush
visited Lima, Peru for the APEC conference in November, 2008. 1/09< --Clip--
- From Hiroshima to Chiapas: Two Vigils (VB #18.03): 01/15/96
- Focus: Latin America (VB #02.06): Updates on El Salvador and Cuba. 30
mi 02/10/92
- Developing Nations Demons & Drugs (VB #02.09): Tomas Villanueva
on a trip to Cuba and a spotlight on the Shining Path & their battle in Peru. 30 mi 03/02/92
- Santiago Chile (VB #03.07): Chilean exile Veronica deNegre tells of US-
backed death squads. 30 mi 05/31/92
- A Brief Tour of History with Lily (VB #04.04): A Portuguese woman on
the history of Rio. Also: A break-in at a Portland gay rights office--What's the motive? 30 mi
- Questions & Answer Period (VB #05.03): Media analyst Norman
Solomon and Nico Panigutti producer of the film The Panama Deception (Oscar winner
1992's best documentary) respond to questions of media manipulation. 30:00 10/12/92
- Time for a New Central America Policy? (VB #06.11): 30 03/15/93
- Portland Hosts Sister City Nicaraguans (VB #08.13): 30 mi 09/28/93
- Millie Thayer: Nicaraguan Update (SE #003): Jul-91
- Raul Velasquez: Hope for El Salvador (IV 01.01): Speaker with photos
- Ambassadors to Guatemala (VB #15.11): 30 mi 06/12/95
- U.$. at Work in Central America (VB #11.11): School of the Americas
(aka School of Assassins) protest. El Salvadoran elections eyewitness and forensic surgeon report
on Guatemalan atrocities. 30 mi 06/14/94
- Pena Experimental (VB #11.12): Chiapas Urgent Call shows that
understanding cultures can lead to social justice. 30 mi 06/21/94
- Chiapas Caravan (& Cuba Update) (SE #055): A caravan to Mexico
comes to Portland; Clinton threatens Castro. 08/22/94
- Untold Stories of Chiapas (SE #045): Includes a tape with Ramsey Clark
- Peggy Law: Mexico After Salinas (SE #060): 10/31/94
- Nosotros Somos Marcos (Chiapas Solidarity Rally) (VB 14.08): 30 mi
Islands in the Video Stream pt 1&2 (VB #13.04&06): Analysis of
recent crises as portrayed by the US mainstream media, viewing Cuba & Haiti in historical context.
60 mi 10/24/94
Las Lomas Children Take Action for Running Water/Peace,
Justice & Animal Rights in Peru (Peru 2007)
Working for Human Rights in Peru/ Working for Human and Animal Rights in Peru
Lima, Peru: Problems & Solutions / Human Rights Day & Chocolatada for the
Working Children of Peru
Organizing for Change and
Faslane 365: Protesting Trident Missiles in Scotland
underNuclear Issues
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indicates a
show with short turnaround (1-2 weeks instead of 4-6 weeks)
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Page updated 1/30/25
[FFVC Catalog Index] [FFVC Comment Screen]
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