"Thirty-Third Busiversary"
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Thirty-Third Busiversary (2023-24)This retrospective reviewing Flying Focus' thirty-third year of video as a tool for social change features twelve programs made up of 24 episodes produced from December 2023 to October 2024. This year we made three shows about the US-funded Israeli war on Gaza and foreign affairs in Iraq and SE Asia; two shows on nuclear issues; two on the environment; and one each on Juneteenth, remembering activist Barry Sutton and how governments take away land from people.Join Field Coordinator PC Peri (who recorded video for 7 of the shows) and producers Dan Handelman and Barb Greene as they introduce short clips from each of the shows and give context to their meaning. If you tune in for part one, that's where the shows with anti-Zionist Jewish-American Mark Braverman, a 2006 interview with Jonathan Cook in Israel, and a KBOO-FM forum about Israel/Palestine can be seen. Also in part one are author Tariq Khan connecting historic land-grabs to current policies and both the 2023 and 2024 Hiroshima/Nagasaki memorials in Portland. Part 2 begins with clips of Iraqi American peace activist Noor Ghazi, a show about Extinction Rebellion PDX protesting poor media coverage of climate change, and pioneering environmentalist Bill McKibben. The latter part of the show has a presentation about the legacy of the US' secret wars in Laos and Cambodia, that memorial for Barry (who lived on the streets for 50 years), and the show about Juneteenth with three interviews asking whether the holiday is meaningful. The introductions were directed by Moss Drake, and the show was produced by Dan.
Part 1 (28:24): For your information, the chapter breaks we assigned for this video are: Part 1:
Part 2 (28:19): For your information, the chapter breaks we assigned for this video are: Part 2:
The two-part show (VB #133.07&08) is available for a donation of $11 (DVD/VHS) plus $4 postage (add $3 for USB Flash) and is streaming on line at our full Retrospectives You Tube channel. [Catalog listing] [Back to top] Page created 12/23/24
The Flying Focus Video Collective